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詞心畫意 ─ 黃兆漢書畫展

日期: 2012年5月8日 至 6月8日
時間: 星期一至五 上午9:00-下午6:00 (公眾及大學假期休息)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館 (香港薄扶林大學道2號2樓,研究生堂旁)
查詢: 2241 5598

香港大學饒宗頤學術館舉辦「詞心畫意 ─ 黃兆漢書畫展」,展示黃兆漢教授不同時期的,以及與近世諸君子合作之書畫作品,與大家分享他的「詞心畫意」。

黃兆漢教授,香港大學饒宗頤學術館名譽研究員、原香港大學中文系教授,為羅忼烈教授及饒宗頤教授之高弟。他的研究範疇有多方面,除有關廣東繪畫之外,詞學 尤為世人所知。對於他在書畫創作方面的成就,較鮮為人所知。這是因為黃教授虛懷若谷,不輕易把所作示人之緣故。其實,黃教授在童年時代,即與其三兄黃兆顯 同師李鳳公及梁伯譽諸先生,在繪畫上奠下深厚的基礎。見到他童年所作之人物畫,酷似李鳳公,青綠山水尤得梁伯譽的神髓。有一點黃兆漢教授很像饒宗頤教授, 就是在大學任教期間,因為治學關係,少動畫筆。到他提早退休,旅居澳洲時,方再重拾畫筆。所以自八十年代至今,所作極多。在繪畫上,不論山水、花鳥、人 物;在書法,則篆、隸、楷、行、草,都有所創作。以傳統筆法寫眼前之景,以淡雅筆墨寫恬淡情懷,以明末文人畫意,重現於今日。

Professor Wong Shiu-hon, the Former Professor of the Department of Chinese (now School of Chinese), University of Hong Kong, is currently the Honorary Fellow of the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, HKU. Professor Wong used to be one of the intimate pupils of Professor Lo Hong-lit and Professor Jao Tsung-i. In addition to his research of Guangdong painting, his achievement on the studies of poem verse is greatly recognized. On the contrary, his attainments in painting and calligraphy are rarely known. That is because of his vast modesty – he never shows them easily. In his childhood, he and his brother Wong Shiu Hin learned from Li Fenggong and Liang Boyu, establishing a solid foundation in painting. His human figure paintings accomplished in his youth highly resemble those of Li, and his blue and green landscape painting especially captures Liang’s essence. Professor Wong seldom painted on account of the full devotion with his heart to studies during his teaching period at the University . On this aspect, he is quite similar to Professor Jao. It is since his earlier retirement and resides in Australia, he has begun to take up painting once again. And therefore, most of Prof Wong’s works were done after the 80’s of the last century. In painting, the topics include landscape, flower and bird, and human figure. His calligraphy includes seal, official, regular, running, and cursive scripts.