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百 年 典 籍 —— 蕭 陳 麗 書 女 士 藏 書 展
Exhibition of Mrs. Siou Chan Lai-syu’s Book Collection

日期: 2022年11月7日 - 11月25日
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午5:00(星期一至五)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館(香港 薄扶林 香港大學 鄧志昂樓)
查詢: 3917 5598


百 年 典 籍——蕭 陳 麗 書 女 士 藏 書 展






Exhibition of Mrs. Siou Chan Lai-syu’s Book Collection

Through the introduction of Professor Lau Juen-yee, Mrs. Poon Siou See-mun donated her late mother, Mrs. Siou Chan Lai-syu’s books, which she read and collected for decades, to the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of The University of Hong Kong. Mrs. Siou was an avid reader and book collector whose collection was mostly for her own use. Many books were published in Shanghai from the 1910s to the 1940s, and some of them are from the late Qing dynasty.

From these works, we may gain a general understanding of the reading habits and interests of book enthusiasts in the first half of the 20th century. In addition, these books provide an overview of the publishing sector in Shanghai of the last century. Many of them were not reissued in the decades that followed. Therefore, this collection is also an essential resource for studying publications during that time.

The Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole is grateful to Mrs. Poon for her kind contribution, and thus we organized this exhibition. Exhibits include ancient books dated during the period of Guangxu and Xuantong Emperors of the late Qing dynasty, as well as those published from the 1910s to the 1930s. We hope that more people will be able to learn about the publications in the early previous century.

Tang Wai Hung
Deputy Director (Art)
Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole,
The University of Hong Kong
November 2022


藏 書 者 簡 介

蕭 陳 麗 書 女 士 (1919-2021)









An Introduction of the Book Owner

Mrs. Siou Chan Lai-syu (1919-2021)

Chan Lai-syu was originally from Fengxi Township, Chaoan County, Shantou City, Chaozhou. She had two sisters and a brother. Her father, Chan Lim-fu, courtesy name Sin-ming, worked with Liang Qichao and others to contribute to national affairs during the Hundred Days’ Reform. After escaping to Japan, he held the positions of town mayor and principal.

In her youth, Lai-syu was profoundly inspired by her father and developed a passion for poetry, adopting the alias Zeoi-mui. When she was a teenager, he moved to Hong Kong with her second sister, Lai-jung, courtesy name Zuk-jing. She then attended Lai Chack Middle School.

After her marriage, she assisted her husband, Siou Baak-zoeng, courtesy name Ciu-gei, who was from Chenghai County, Shantou City, Chaozhou, in expanding the business of Wai-hing wool weaving factory. During this time, she studied English.

She immigrated to Toronto in 1977 to join her daughter and son-in-law after being widowed. However, she insisted on living independently and continued to study diligently. She enjoyed writing calligraphy, exploring the world of poetry and classics, and reading good newspaper articles in her leisure time. Whenever she was in the proper state of mind, she would submit articles to the local Chinese newspapers for pleasure.

When she moved to a rest home, her book collection was her greatest treasure. The most exciting part was when she discussed poetry with friends and solved lantern riddles. Even when her vision was inadequate, she still used a magnifier to read. For her, books truly held a house of gold!

She lived an ordinary but meaningful life, for she could be considered one guardian of Chinese literature. Because of her, these books have been preserved and passed on to future generations.

Poon Siou See-mun
November 2022