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永遠懷念饒宗頤教授 ─ 香港大學饒宗頤學術館展

日期: 2018年4月13日 - 5月25日
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午5:00(星期一至五)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館(香港薄扶林 香港大學鄧志昂樓)
查詢: 3917 5598













On 6th February 2018, Professor Jao Tsung-i passed away peacefully in the small hours of the morning. For himself, he had obtained infinite peace. However, it is undoubtedly a huge loss for the academic and art circles in the Chinese society, even the world.

In the past decades, Professor Jao had made pioneering contributions to various fields in art and academia. For these achievements, he will be honored and reverenced forever.

He always believed that the various realms of Chinese culture, particularly those in academic and art, will never cease moving onward like an endless stream. He also indicated that the 21st century is the era of the renaissance of Chinese culture, which will become the main force of driving forward world culture; meanwhile, it will also be the era of “the introduction of Chinese culture to the West”, and he had practiced that personally with such faith.

Since ancient times, there have been few people excel in both academic and artistic fields. The most representative scholar artists are Su Shi of the Song dynasty and Fang Yizhi of the late Ming dynasty, and modern art critics consequently have highly estimation of Professor Jao’s artworks because he demonstrates that the stream of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy is endless and of boundless vitality.

This exhibition presents Professor Jao’s paintings and calligraphic pieces accomplished between the 60s of the previous century and 2017. Although there are only a number of works, his spirit of constant striving for innovation and breakthrough in the creation of art is fully demonstrated through the exhibits, and further embody the “pursuit of correctness, truth, and neutrality.

Our remembrance of him is beyond any expressive words. This exhibition is sincerely dedicated to Professor Jao Tsung-i.

