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筆底造化 ─ 饒宗頤教授繪畫展

日期: 2016年5月9日 - 2016年6月10日
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午5:00(星期一至五)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館(香港薄扶林 香港大學鄧志昂樓)
查詢: 3917 5598













A New Path for Artistic Creation


Professor Jao Tsung-i believes that scholarship and art can be complementary and mutually beneficial. Therefore, when he researched on Chinese art history, including topics such as Dunhuang line drawing, and scholarship and philosophies of the masters of the late Ming Dynasty, he also studied the painting techniques of Dunhuang line drawing, as well as those of the masters of the Yuan and late Ming Dynasties. To deepen his understanding of these fields, he imitated paintings in Dunhuang sketch style, paintings of Huang Gongwang and Ni Zan of the Yuan Dynasty, as well as Zhang Ruitu, Wang Duo, Shitao, and Bada Shanren of the late Ming period.

Since the 1980’s, Professor Jao has engaged more in research and creation of painting and calligraphy. In regard to academic research, he advocates that one should not only raise new questions, but also put forward answers to them; in which he holds the same view on the aspect of artistic creation. Since then, he has gone through the stages of modeling after the ancients and nature, and now his own mind. For instance, his works depicting Asian Buddhist relics are able to evoke a sense of antiquity. He also portrayed overseas landscapes with Chinese painting techniques. Together with his Northwestern School landscape and lotus paintings, his creativity has been fully manifested.

Wang Zhuo’s comment on Su Shi’s poem verse can be applied to Professor Jao’s artworks accomplished in his late years that they have opened up a brand new path in Chinese art.

Tang Wai Hung

May 2016


「筆底造化 ─ 饒宗頤教授繪畫展」海報