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「香江藝韻 ─ 饒宗頤教授百歲學藝展」選展(二)

日期: 2016年3月7日 - 2016年4月8日
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午5:00(星期一至五)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館(香港薄扶林 香港大學鄧志昂樓)
查詢: 3917 5598


       為賀饒宗頤教授百歲華誕,民政事務局主辦的「香江藝韻 ─ 饒宗頤教授百歲學藝展」已於去年十二月在香港中央圖書館展覽廳順行完展。現香港大學饒宗頤學術館精選作品十數,於學術館展覽廳再次展示,讓大家能近距離細意欣賞。


To celebrate Professor Jao Tsung-i’s 100th Birthday, Reminiscences of Hong Kong by the Brush: A Celebration of the 100th Birthday of Professor Jao Tsung-i, organized by the Home Affairs Bureau, was held at the Central Library on December 2015. The exhibition was crowned with great success. Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong has selected a dozen or so artworks to be displayed at the Petite Ecole, providing the public with the opportunity to appreciate these works again.

The main them of part II is Artistic Collaborations. Professor Jao resettled in Hong Kong in the late 1940’s. He was mainly engaged in teaching and other academic activities, and painting and calligraphy were only his pastime. His artistic circle of friends included Peng Ximing, Xiao Lisheng, Wan Yipeng etal, who always met and hold painting parties when they were in mood. Others artists he had collaborated with included Zhao Shao’ang, Yang Shanshen, Ding Yanyong, Huang Junbi, Feng Kanghou, Chen Yushen et al.  Their works not only an show the close connection Professor Jao has with the local arts scene but also point out an important phenomenon in Hong Kong, and that is the Hong Kong-based artists have contributed tremendously to Chinese painting as an art form, regardless of their training, style, and points of view.


「香江藝韻 ─  饒宗頤教授百歲學藝展」選展(二)展覽海報