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好 古 樂 道 — 饒 宗 頤 教 授 學 藝 成 果 展
The Academic & Art Publications of Professor Jao Tsung-i

日期: 2018年10月3日 - 2019年2月26日
時間: 圖書館開放時間
地點: 香港中央圖書館 八樓:
文化及歷史資源角 ‧ 珍本閱覽室 ‧ 參考圖書館書籍展覽區
合辦: 康樂及文化事務署 香港公共圖書館 ‧ 香港大學饒宗頤學術館
支持: 饒學聯滙
查詢: 2921 0285(香港中央圖書館推廣及活動統籌組)


       為紀念國學大師饒宗頤教授,並展示一位香港學人畢生對中國傳統文化的弘揚及學藝硏究成果,香港公共圖書館與香港大學饒宗頤學術館特此合辦「好古樂道 — 饒宗頤教授學藝成果展」,並得到饒學聯匯支持。



For the purpose of commemorating Professor Jao Tsung-i, the Master of Chinese Studies, the exhibition 'The Academic & Art Publications of Professor Jao Tsung-i', co-organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries and the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of The University of Hong Kong, with the support of the Jao Link, will demonstrate his endeavour to pass on traditional Chinese culture, as well as his research achievement both in academic and art fields.

This exhibition will comprehensively display Professor Jao Tsung-i's publications of various subjects in academic and art research, as well as calligraphy, manuscripts, offprints and so on, along with publications regarding studies of Professor Jao by scholars from Mainland China and Hong Kong.